Individuals from the fields of architecture, design, interior, psychology, neuroscience and psychiatry have come together to dwell into the unfathomed knowledge base of this space-mind intersection. This research is then intended to take the form of published reading materials for all kinds of readers, designers and non-design professionals who could learn, benefit from and contribute to this knowledge.
In an attempt to make conscious design affordable and available to all disparities of the society, Mu.S.Ex assists individuals designing their own homes. In order to maximise the inclusion of human psychology in the architectural domain, we consult with various designers in helping them understand how their spaces might influence the user.
Using the knowledge we gain from our research, the designers at Mu.S.Ex have in view to provide the user with the best product, interior, architectural and landscape designs by skillfully designing spatial contexts that are sensitive and empathetic. We also look at alternative ways to reduce costs and provide retrofitted solutions to existing contexts.
Design Dialogues is a podcast that aims to raise awareness about architecture practices and pedagogy in India. Our think tank is dedicated to influencing architectural pedagogy and promoting empathetic designs through a series of educational activities. Join us as we explore the world of architecture and design through insightful conversations and thought-provoking discussions.